Automotive Technician Job Description Tip: Add This Simple Link to Build Immediate Trust
Oct 16, 2022
How do you build trust with your Automotive Technician Job Descriptions?
First off, lots of shop owners I talk to use the terms "job ad", "help wanted ad" and "job description" interchangeably.
Technically these terms have different meanings but for the purpose of this blog post, I will use all of these terms to describe the ad that you place online to attract automotive technicians to apply for work at your shop.
If the automotive technician job description that you post online doesn’t build immediate trust with techs, you’re dead in the water.
Trust is the fuel that drives the entire application process forward.
You have to create that trust right away inside the ad, or you don’t get applications, you don’t get callbacks and you end up not filling open positions.
In this short post, I’m going to show you a simple link that you can insert into your ads to build immediate trust with technicians so you can get them to read and respond to your ads.
What is an automotive technician thinking about when they read your ads?
Several years ago, I interviewed a technician who told me the above quote about the application process. Since that interview I’ve heard dozens of variations on that same theme.
Technicians always go into an ad thinking, "this is B.S.". But the curiosity produced by a well-written headline can get them to click.
Once they land on the ad, you must deliver on the promise by crafting a compelling introduction to keep them reading. However, techs will remain skeptical right up to the end of the ad.
We need to diffuse this skepticism as quickly as possible so the application process can move forward.
The truth about building trust
Trust is a process that:
- Usually takes time to develop
- Involves taking risks
- Is hard to measure objectively
Think about someone you really trust. How long did it take for you to get to this point in your relationship? If this is a good friend or business colleague it might have taken years to work up to this level of trust.
Think about the small risks that each of you took over the years. All of the small commitments that were satisfied, one by one, slowly leading to a sense of confidence that you could count on that person.
How do you measure this? Is it even possible to measure this process objectively?
In fact, in business we have lots of ways to measure performance but very few ways to measure trustworthiness.
So how do we build trust quickly with technicians within your job description?
Leveraging online reviews inside of your automotive technician job description
The fastest way to build instant trust is to show technicians your online reviews from happy customers.
According to here are some current statistics for online reviews:
- 95% of shoppers read the reviews posted online before making a purchase
- 97% of consumers check online reviews before buying a product to get additional insight
- 84% of people trust online reviews as much as a recommendation from a friend
So, the way to build trust quickly is to leverage the positive feedback that you have already received from your customers and to share this link in your ads so that it is easy for technicians to click and view them.
Online reviews are a shortcut to the trust building process because of the leverage you have already built up with a third party (your customers).
If you have great reviews, you can leverage that credibility.
Every automotive technician does this before they apply for a job
Before a tech applies for your open position or reaches out to learn more about a job description they saw posted online, they will check your business out.
They are most likely going to visit your website, scan social media, check out Google reviews and probably Yelp and Facebook as well.
Long story short, techs will do this anyway, why not make it easier? I talk a lot about removing the friction to make it easier for techs to apply and this is a perfect example of doing that.
If they will check out your shop anyway, why not give them the link to the most trusted source of the best reviews about your business?
How to build trust with an automotive technician and get them to respond (step-by-step)
- Step 1 - Write a compelling ad that sells the dream of brighter future by inviting technicians into a story where they are the hero
- Step 2 - Locate the site with your highest quantity and quality of reviews (Google / Facebook / Yelp / Website / etc.)
- Step 3 - If the link is short, go ahead and post it in your ad as is
- Step 4 - If the link is long and “ugly”, create a short version for free at (see video for instructions)
Are you ready to turbocharge your automotive technician job description?
Now you know the primary emotion that goes through every automotive technician’s mind when they are reading your job description or job ad online.
In a word, they are skeptical.
They’ve been burned before so they have their guard up.
When you borrow the trust you have earned by serving your loyal customers through adding a simple link to your top reviewed platform, you bring trust into the new relationship you are building with techs who are reading your ad for the first time.
This trust will help you get more applications, start more conversations and get more referrals to top automotive technicians so you can hire faster.
ABOUT TECHNICIAN FIND: is the web’s best resource for identifying experienced, reliable automotive and diesel technicians in your area. can help you staff your diesel truck or auto repair shop with top-notch mechanics who will get the work done, elevate or maintain your shop’s reputation, and wow your customers with their ability to trouble-shoot any mechanical problem they have. Contact us for details on how we can help.
If you’re tired of missing out on good techs, can help. Download our proven checklist for creating help wanted ads that grab attention, make your shop stand out, and generate a consistent flow of qualified applications on demand.