How do I find a mechanic to hire on Craigslist?

Oct 07, 2022


How do I find a mechanic to hire?

This is a question I hear daily from independent automotive and diesel repair shop owners.

It seems like every one of them grapples with the same problems: not enough qualified applicants, expensive job boards asking for more money for less applications and complicated workflows that require tons of time and staff resources to maintain.

We’ve developed a way to refresh an old standby for finding good techs and it solves all of the above problems.

By the time you’ve finished reading this post, you’ll know exactly how to start getting decent technician applications from Craigslist again.


What steps can you take to find a mechanic online?

First, we have to cover the basics.

When looking for mechanics to hire the steps are simple:

  1. Write a unique, and compelling ad that invites technicians into a story about your shop where they are the hero and you are the guide. Your ad should be packed with benefits to the tech and have a strong call to action at the end.
  2. Place that ad in as many locations as possible to maximize exposure to technicians and people who might know them.
  3. Follow up like a stubborn bulldog on any leads, applications or inquiries until an offer is made (and accepted) and the toolbox is moved in

Sounds simple right? Well it is simple, but not easy. 

Let's do a deep dive into step #2 and focus on reviving an old favorite lead source for techs.


Where is the best place to advertise for mechanics?

There’s a story about Willie Sutton the famous bank robber who was asked why he robbed banks. His response was, “I rob banks because that’s where the money is.”

We can learn a lot from Willie Sutton about how to find techs. We want to place your ads where the technicians are!

Here are the top locations we like to mine for good technician applications:

  1. Facebook
  2. Indeed
  3. Craigslist

Of course there are lots of other job boards, recruiters and hiring websites for automotive and diesel technicians but we like to keep things simple.

We’ve tested most of them and we’ve found that more is not better.


Why use Craigslist for Auto Shop hiring?

I’ve spoken to dozens of independent repair shop owners that have told me how great Craigslist used to be for finding techs. One automotive repair shop owner told me that whenever he needed a tech he would place an ad on Craigslist on Friday morning and by Monday morning he would have 15 applications. All he needed to do was set up a few interviews and he would end up hiring a qualified technician by Wednesday.

So what’s changed?

We know that people still come to Craigslist. Here's the proof...

According to here are some current statistics on Craigslist:

  • The website receives 190 million site visits every month in the United States
  • Craigslist contains over 700 local websites
  • It is ranked 39th on a list of websites that Americans visit the most
  • 80 million classified ads are posted on Craigslist each month

So, the problem isn’t that techs stopped visiting Craigslist. In fact there are more automotive and diesel technicians on Craigslist now than ever.

What’s changed is what they are searching for when they visit the site.


How to grab a technician’s attention and get them to respond on craigslist

Most technicians aren’t looking for jobs on Craigslist but they are searching for tools.

Once you know this simple fact, implementing the strategy is easy.

First, create your unique and compelling ad.

Second, post it on Craigslist along with the job details, business contact information and images.

Third, add keywords for the most common tools a tech may be searching for at the end of the ad. (To see the full list of tools we use for automotive technicians and diesel technicians, watch the YouTube video above.)

Fourth, be sure and add a mobile number and encourage techs to text you to begin the conversation. (this one step will increase your response rates by 20% - 30% and prevent you from being ghosted by technicians)


Why this strategy works to find mechanics for hire on Craigslist

When a tech does a search for a specific tool or brand of tools, they will also see the job pop up in the search results. Out of curiosity, many techs will click on the job ad to see what it’s all about.

Once they get to your ad, if it is well-written, they will read it and respond.

Another side benefit of posting on Craigslist is that many technicians when relocating to a new area will do a search in that area for jobs. Your well-written Craigslist ad will stand out to them in search results and get clicks.

This strategy is also great for attracting techs not looking for work. Anyone in the industry knows that if a tech wants to work and they are good, they will already be employed. And many of them would consider a new opportunity if they came across a good one but they aren't actively scanning job boards looking for them.

If they come across your ad while looking for used tools, this can be a stealthy way to get their attention and get them interested in your shop.

This strategy also works great for Google Jobs listings.

Google has entered the job listing space recently and they are putting their full weight behind ranking in job search results. When you list your job on Craigslist, it gives Google another opportunity to grab your information and display it when techs search on Google for “Automotive Technician” or “Diesel Technician” jobs.

Don't forget to post your ads on Friday to increase your response rates.


Start getting automotive and diesel technician leads from Craigslist today!

This video will walk you through the exact steps of how to find staff for your automotive or diesel repair shop on Craigslist.

If you execute on the ideas I shared in this post, you can revive Craigslist as a source of high-quality technician applications. You’ll get more applications on demand, dirt cheap exposure for your open positions and implement a powerful recruiting tactic that’s easy to deploy and maintain.

Watch the video above for a step-by-step walk through on how to find staff for your automotive or diesel repair shop on Craigslist so you can get and stay fully staffed!


ABOUT TECHNICIAN FIND: is the web’s best resource for identifying experienced, reliable automotive and diesel technicians in your area. can help you staff your diesel truck or auto repair shop with top-notch mechanics who will get the work done, elevate or maintain your shop’s reputation, and wow your customers with their ability to trouble-shoot any mechanical problem they have. Contact us for details on how we can help.

If you’re tired of missing out on good techs, can help. Download our proven checklist for creating help wanted ads that grab attention, make your shop stand out, and generate a consistent flow of qualified applications on demand.

Get The Ultimate Technician Ad Checklist